Our collections have continued to grow. We’ve reached 21,600 books, cataloged and shelved by our collaborators, including some of you, under the expert direction of Bruce Willms. The Hmong Archives has made some significant acquisitions, while ESFL has added the libraries of the Twin Cities Japanese American Citizens League and the Jerome Foundation. We have reached an agreement with our neighbor, the Arlington Hills Lutheran Church, to lease space for additional volumes.

In 2019, over 4,000 people participated in our events and programs.  Highlights include:

+  In January and February, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra’s Tapestry 19 project, “Reflections on Home” 

+  In March and April, the Minnesota Humanities Center’s “Why Treaties Matter” exhibit, with 4 Dakota-led community conversations

+  Beginning in April,  a collaboration with ABC Realty, Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, MICAH, Cookie Cart, and TPT-2, programs on East Side “Housing Justice” 

+   In April, the annual Union Job and Resource Fair, now in larger facilities of IBEW 110

+   Weekly, Karen women weavers’ projects, through a partnership with the Karen Organization of Minnesota and supported by the Minnesota State Arts Board

 +   Our History Day mentoring team of “retired” teachers and college interns helped more than 100 middle and high school students develop projects which explored “Triumph and Tragedy.” 

+  Collaboration with the labor movement, including panel discussions on  “The Labor Movement and Health Care Reform” and “The Labor Movement and Housing Justice,” and hosting the New Brookwood Labor College, an innovative labor education project.

 +  In June, a celebration of our fifth anniversary, featuring historian and NEW YORKER writer Jelani Cobb.  More than 100 people listened to his talk on “The Half Life of Freedom.”

+  Beginning in the summer and continuing into the fall and winter, a series of conversations with members of East African communities – Oromo, Amhara, Eritrean, Somali – on forging a path to peace and democracy in the Horn of Africa.  Livestream broadcasts of these conversations on Facebook have been viewed by upwards of 20,000 people throughout the East African diaspora.

+  Throughout 2019, performances, presentations, workshops, and conversations with musicians, writers, theatre artists, photographers and filmmakers from diverse communities..

Solidarity League LogoOver 500 of you have made monetary donations this year, including 67 who have joined ESFL’s new “Solidarity League” by scheduling recurring donations.  Together with support from more than 20 unions and grants from foundations, the City of St. Paul STAR and State of Minnesota Legacy programs, ESFL has made great progress. In 2019, the Library’s Board, staff and funders approved a funding package of over $250,000 to replace the HVAC system.  The replacement project is underway right now, with a big thank you to the skilled workers at Alliance Mechanical Services, members of Pipefitters Local 455.

At this time of year, we invite you to make a contribution to ESFL, perhaps consider joining the Solidarity League.  You can follow these links to do so.  Join us in 2020 to “inspire solidarity, advocate for justice, and work towards equity for all.”


Love and Solidarity,

Peter and Beth