“What Happened Miss Simone” (2015) is the story of legendary singer and activist Nina Simone, and includes never-before-heard recordings, rare archival footage, and her best-known songs. Directed by Liz Garbus. October’s film is part of the...
“What Happened Miss Simone” (2015) is the story of legendary singer and activist Nina Simone, and includes never-before-heard recordings, rare archival footage, and her best-known songs. Directed by Liz Garbus. October’s film is part of the...
“What Happened Miss Simone” (2015) is the story of legendary singer and activist Nina Simone, and includes never-before-heard recordings, rare archival footage, and her best-known songs. Directed by Liz Garbus. October’s film is part of the...
“What Happened Miss Simone” (2015) is the story of legendary singer and activist Nina Simone, and includes never-before-heard recordings, rare archival footage, and her best-known songs. Directed by Liz Garbus. October’s film is part of the...
Come celebrate the $15 NOW movement to raise the minimum wage, get earned sick and safe time for all workers, and rational scheduling. This event will feature activist workers from the grassroots of the campaign.