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Essential Workers: The Art of Making the Invisible Visible

December 9, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm CST

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A Conversation with Carolyn Sue Olson

A central mechanism of our dominant culture in the United States has been rendering workers and work invisible. As the old saying goes, “we don’t want to know how sausage is made.” But, as the labor anthem “Solidarity Forever” reminds us, “without these hands not a single wheel would turn.” The pandemic has had a complicated impact on these deep-seated practices and visions. Some workers, long disregarded, have been labeled “essential” and have been given new attention. Some have even received hazard pay (for a time) and new respect. But some have also spoken out about feeling “sacrificial,” and some have protested and even struck over their working conditions.

Duluth-based visual artist Carolyn Sue Olson has used her imagination, skills and pastels to create a stunning collection of images of “Essential Workers.” You can see her work here. Carolyn sees an intersection between her work and the project of the East Side Freedom Library. Join ESFL’s Peter Rachleff in a conversation with Carolyn about her work and her concerns which have informed it. Through the end of this month, Carolyn and Lizzard’s Art Gallery are dedicating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of her work to benefit ESFL. Are you still looking for Christmas/Hannukah gift ideas?

Free and open to all

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December 9, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Category:


East Side Freedom Library