The Twin Cities Labor Movie Night continues with the documentary double feature “Delano Manongs” and “Who Killed Vincent Chin”. “Delano Manongs” follows Filipino farmworkers who spurred the grape strike in 1965 and joined forces...
The Twin Cities Labor Movie Night continues with the documentary double feature “Delano Manongs” and “Who Killed Vincent Chin”. “Delano Manongs” follows Filipino farmworkers who spurred the grape strike in 1965 and joined forces...
As part of the SANKOFA FILM FESTIVAL, Minnesota’s first African film festival featuring films from the African diaspora, the East Side Freedom Library will feature the documentary “Wilmington on Fire”, as well as a collection of short films dealing...
As part of the SANKOFA FILM FESTIVAL, Minnesota’s first African film festival featuring films from the African diaspora, the East Side Freedom Library will feature the documentary “Wilmington on Fire”, as well as a collection of short films dealing...
As part of the SANKOFA FILM FESTIVAL, Minnesota’s first African film festival featuring films from the African diaspora, the East Side Freedom Library will feature the documentary “Wilmington on Fire”, as well as a collection of short films dealing...