MISSION POSSIBLE: Protecting Freedom, Justice and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence!
Monday, January 20, 2025, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
ArT @ 967 Payne | 967 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55130
Inspired by this theme put forth by THE KING CENTER for MLK Day 2025, the East Side Freedom Library and ArT @ 967 Payne are thrilled to collaborate and invite our entire community to a celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and recognizing his important legacy and irrevocable impact on our society and democracy.
“FORMAL PROGRAM” – January 20, 12 pm – 1 pm:
Join us for a series of poetry readings by a diverse group of local authors, followed by an inspiring community conversation inviting all to share their ideas and aspirations about freedom, justice, and democracy.
OPEN HOUSE – January 20, 11 am – 3 pm:
Watch a selection of videos highlighting excerpts from the moist poignant speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; meet the poets and authors in person and check out/purchase some of their books; see our our fabulous exhibition of textiles and works on paper by Nigerian artist Tunde Odunlade and, at the same time, check out a pop-up show of paintings and photographs by our own resident artists at ArT @ 967 Payne, assembled and curated for MLK Day 2025; and enjoy some light refreshments wile meeting your neighbors and making new friends.
Free event – all are welcome!
Location: ArT @ 967 Payne | 967 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55130